Teatro Filipino Workshop Coordinator, Carinosa & Pandangguhan Dance Choreographer
Cabin crew / Carinosa & Singkil dancer
Candice is passionate about traditional Filipino folk dances and being involved with the Filipino youth. Growing up in Hong Kong, she knows the challenge of finding enough resources and inspiration as an ethnic minority and Filipino youth, and she’s determined to be part of the ongoing change. What motivates her is inspiring today’s youths and spreading awareness about Filipino culture and heritage to help the younger generation understand and nurture their identity, hopefully building stronger bonds to the motherland. She has been involved in multiple stage productions and performances celebrating Filipino values, stories, and people. Besides her work in Teatro Filipino, Candice is the Documentations and Public Relations Officer of Section Juan, a pioneer peer support group for Filipino Youths. She spends her days as a user experience designer and her nights laughing at some silly thing or another. Family is what makes her world go around.